Saturday, April 28, 2007

Lontong Sayur (Choko Curry with Rice Tube)

Lontong (Rice Tube)

Banana Leaves
Tooth Pick or staples
Jasmine Rice

Roll banana leave, fold one end and fastened with tooth pick or staples. Fill in with jasmine rice hall way and fastened the other end. Arrange the tubes standing lengthwise into the pan covered with water and pinch of salt. Once it reaches boiling temperature, simmers it until the rice tube tender and thouroughly cooked. It takes about 3 to 4 hours.

Sayur Labu (Choko Curry)

Garlic, Onion, Candlenut, Chillie, Salt, Turmeric --> finely blended
Coconut Milk
Fried Tofu
Lemon Grass
Bay Leave

Fry the blended spices with little of oil in a shallow frypan. Cook it until fragrant then add the coconut milk. Stir a while until mix and boiled. Chuck other ingredients in and stir occasionaly until choko just tender but not overcooked.

Cut the rice tube about 1cm thickness, pour the choko curry and garnish with kerupuk, fried shallot, and additional sambal. Bon Apetit, mates!

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